Historical data


Historical fiscal data

Includes historical fiscal data published in the Government’s latest budget update and time-series not previously available in a single location.

Historical budget forecasts

Fiscal and economic forecasts published in previous budget updates.

Regular PBO publications

(previously known as the medium-term fiscal projections report until 2020-21)

Provides analysis and projections of key Commonwealth Government budget outcomes such as debt and the budget balance, and detailed projections of receipts and payments over the medium-term period.

From 2020-22, the report was expanded to include an assessment of fiscal sustainability over the next forty years.

Data for each of the editions are available below

Publication Data download Date issued
Beyond the budget 2024-25: Fiscal outlook and projections

[Excel 203 KB]

27 June 2024

Beyond the budget 2023-24: Fiscal outlook and projections

[Excel 184 KB]

28 June 2023

Beyond the budget 2022-23: Fiscal outlook and projections [Excel 122 KB] 8 December 2022
Beyond the budget 2021-22: Fiscal outlook and projections [Excel 521 KB] 21 September 2021
2020-21 Medium-term fiscal projections [Excel 94 KB] 10 December 2020
2019­-20 Medium-term fiscal projections [Excel 59 KB] 26 September 2019
2018-19 Medium-term fiscal projections [Excel 53 KB] 6 September 2018 
2017-18 Medium-term fiscal projections [Excel 694 KB] 5 July 2017 
2015-16 Medium-term fiscal projections [Excel 18 KB] 24 June 2015

Publication Data download Date issued
Updated medium-term fiscal scenarios: impact of COVID-19 pandemic and response [Excel 21 KB] 21 August 2020
Medium-term fiscal projections: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and response [Excel 19 KB] 5 June 2020
Medium-term fiscal projections: 2017–18 economic scenario analysis [Excel 169 KB] 7 December 2017
Medium-term fiscal projections: Sensitivity of budget projections to changes in economic parameters from 2014–15 to 2024–25 [Excel 79 KB] 26 November 2014

Examines the revenue, expenditure, net capital investment, net financial worth and net debt position across all levels of Australian government over the forward estimates period, and provides an update to the national fiscal outlook based on Commonwealth and state government budget updates. Data for multiple editions are available below.

A complementary product, the National Fiscal Outlook: At a Glance provides a graphical snapshot of each of the Commonwealth, state and territory budgets.

Publication Data download Date issued
As at 2024-25 Budgets

[Excel 155 KB]

30 October 2024

As at 2023-24 Budgets

[Excel 373 KB]

31 October 2023

As at 2022-23 Budgets


[Excel 108 KB]

5 October 2022

As at 2021-22 Budgets


[Excel 96 KB]
[Excel 71 KB]

2 December 2021

As at 2020-21 mid-year fiscal updates

[Excel 91 KB]

[Excel 39 KB]
4 March 2021

As at 2019-20 mid-year fiscal updates

[Excel 76 KB]

[Excel 1.63 MB]
27 November 2019

As at 2018-19 mid-year fiscal updates

[Excel 37 KB]

[Excel 31 KB]
29 November 2018
As at 2017-18 budgets [Excel 1.6 MB] 19 October 2017
As at 2016-17 budgets [Excel 26 KB] 2 November 2016
As at 2015-16 mid-year fiscal update [Excel 22 KB] 3 February 2016

Graphical summaries of budget releases.

Publication Data download Date issued
2024-25 MYEFO Snapshot

[Excel 250 KB]

18 December 2024

2024-25 Budget Snapshot

[Excel 250 KB]

22 May 2024

2023-24 MYEFO Snapshot

[Excel 229 KB]

13 December 2023

2023-24 Budget Snapshot [Excel 119 KB] 9 May 2023
2022-23 October Budget Snapshot [Excel 118 KB] 25 October 2022
2022-23 March Budget Snapshot [Excel 104 KB] 31 March 2021
MYEFO 2021-22 [Excel 85 KB] 17 December 2021
Budget 2021-22

Full report:
[Excel 115 KB]

[Excel 104 KB]

8 June 2021

11 May 2021

MYEFO 2020-21 [Excel 152 KB] 18 December 2020
Budget 2020-21 [Excel 109 KB] 7 October 2020
July 2020 EFU [Excel 62 KB] 24 July 2020
MYEFO 2019-20 [Excel 107 KB] 17 December 2019
Budget 2019-20 [Excel 113 KB] 3 April 2019
MYEFO 2018-19 [Excel 67 KB] 17 December 2018
Budget 2018-19 [Excel 390 KB] 9 May 2018
MYEFO 2016-17 [Excel 24 KB] 12 January 2017

Budget chart packs summarise the key drivers of the change in the budget estimates between budget updates.

Publication Data download Date issued
2021-22 [Excel 115 KB] 8 June 2021
2020-21 [Excel 62 KB] 12 February 2021
2019-20  [Excel 20 KB] 24 September 2019
2018-19 [Excel 17 KB] 1 June 2018

Analyses the budget impact of each of the election commitments made by each of the major parties in the general election, and the total combined impact of their policy platforms on the Australian Government budget.

Publication Data download Date issued
2022 Election commitments report

Charts and table data [Excel 113 KB]

Budget impacts of election commitments:

14 July 2022
2019 Post-election report of election commitments

Budget impacts of election commitments:

19 June 2019

SMART is an analytical tool that allows users to adjust various personal income tax policy settings. The datasets below underpin the tool and provide demographic data and projections for taxable income for around 4900 representative taxpayer groups.

Economic and fiscal update Data download Date issued
2024-25 Budget

[Excel 4.28 MB]

19 June 2024

2023-24 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook [Excel 3.33 MB] 2 May 2024
2023-24 Budget [Excel 3.28 MB] 18 December 2023

Additional PBO publications

Publication Data download Date issued

Australia's Tax Mix

The roles played by different taxes and how they have changed over time.

[Excel 323 KB]

14 November 2024

Dividend imputation and franking credits

This explainer provides an in-depth walk through of the dividend imputation part of the tax system, and the franking credits that underpin it.

[Excel 182 KB]

13 June 2024

The Contingency Reserve

A short explainer piece that examines the definition and use of the Contingency Reserve and its major components.

[Excel 40 KB]

[Excel 35 KB]

24 April 2024

9 December 2021

Why do costings change?

This Budget Bite explains why costings for the same policy can change as a result of revised economic forecasts, or using different time periods.

[Excel 109 KB]

26 October 2023

Indexation & the budget – long-term impacts

An explainer piece that discusses the impact of different indexation arrangements on multiple aspects of the budget with a focus on analysing the long-term consequences of such arrangements.

[Excel 134 KB] 2 May 2023

JobSeeker Payment: COVID-19, age & gender

A bite-size piece that analyses the changes in JobSeeker recipient demographics along age and gender lines during the COVID-19 pandemic and over the longer term.

[Excel 536 KB] 1 May 2023

How is super taxed?

This explainer explores how super is taxed in Australia, the implications from a distributional and budgetary perspective, and how Australia’s system compares to similar schemes in other OECD countries.

[Excel 83 KB] 27 April 2023

Indexation & the budget – an introduction

An explainer piece that discusses the rationale, use and limitations of indexation in the Commonwealth budget and associated programs. 

[Excel 31 KB] 1 March 2023

Fuel taxation in Australia

An explainer piece that examines fuel taxation in Australia, its major components, how they work together and how the system is affected by government policy.

[Excel 63 KB] 21 September 2022

Bracket creep and its fiscal impact

A short explainer piece that examines the impact of bracket creep from the perspective of both individuals and government finances.

[Excel 109 KB] 29 September 2021

Unlegislated measures carried forward in the budget estimates – August 2021

Provides updated financial estimates of policies with significant financial implications that have been announced but are yet to be legislated. Data for the August 2021 edition is available below. 

[Excel 26 KB] 4 August 2021

Fiscal sustainability

Examines the sustainability of the government’s fiscal position by calculating future paths for debt under various scenarios for GDP growth, interest rates and the budget balance.

[Excel 395 KB] 28 April 2020
JobSeeker Payment: Understanding economic and policy trends influencing Commonwealth expenditure [Excel 549 KB] 30 September 2020

Structural trends in GST

Examines the trends in GST relative to the size of the economy over the last twenty years, including the impact of demographic change, and possible trajectories for future GST collections.

[Excel 178 KB] 4 September 2020 

Alternative financing of government policies – Understanding the fiscal costs and risks of loans, equity injections and guarantees

Examines trends in the use of alternative financing arrangements and how these arrangements relate to the Commonwealth Government’s budget.

[Excel 436 KB] 19 March 2020

Australia's ageing population – Understanding the fiscal impacts over the next decade

Builds on the 2015 Intergenerational Report by providing a detailed analysis of the impacts of an ageing population on revenue and spending over the next decade.

[Excel 39 KB] 1 April 2019 

Net debt and investment funds – Trends and balance sheet implications

Examines the impact of growth in government investment funds on net debt.

[Excel 461 KB] 14 March 2019 

Trends affecting the sustainability of Commonwealth taxes

Examines broad trends within the Commonwealth Government tax system over the period 2001–02 to 2016–17.

[Excel 54 KB] 18 July 2018 

Disability Support Pension – Historical and projected trends

Examines the factors underlying the recent decline in Disability Support Pension (DSP) expenditure, highlighting the impacts of changes in government policy.  It uses analysis of historical trends to update projections of DSP expenditure over the medium term to 2027–28.

[Excel 705 KB] 20 February 2018

Changes in average personal income tax rates: distributional impacts

Examines trends in average tax rates using historical data from 2000–01 and projections to 2021–22.  Also analyses the expected increase in average tax rates for individuals in different parts of the taxable income distribution. 

[Excel 33 KB] 11 October 2017

Future Fund drawdown scenarios: Budget implications

Examines budget implications of scenarios for the drawdown of funds from the Future Fund to meet unfunded superannuation cash payments.

[Excel 547 KB] 8 February 2017 

National Broadband Network: Impact on the Budget

Examines the budget impact of the Commonwealth Government’s equity and debt financing of the National Broadband Network. 

[Excel 24 KB] 4 December 2016

Higher Education Loan Programme

Examines the size and cost of the Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) and provides an estimate of the impact on the underlying cash balance to 2025–26.

Supplementary analysis projects budget impacts of major policy decisions affecting HELP and related policy decisions that reduce the level of subsidies.

Impact on the budget [Excel 548 KB]

Supplementary analysis [Excel 512 KB]

6 April 2016

20 April 2016

Goods and Services Tax: Distributional analysis and indicative reform scenarios

Examines the revenue and distributional impacts of five indicative reform scenarios canvassed in public policy discussions.

[Excel 680 KB] 9 December 2015

Medicare Benefits Schedule: Spending trends and projections

Examines historical spending over the period 1993–94 to 2014–15 and presents projections over the decade 2015–16 to 2025–26.  The impact of major policies on Medicare Benefits Schedule spending is also presented over 1993–94 to 2014–15.

[Excel 28 KB] 25 November 2015 

Trends in Australian Government receipts: 1982–83 to 2012–13

Examines historical trends in Commonwealth Government receipts over the past three decades; from 1982–83 to 2012–13.

[Excel 1.45 MB] 15 April 2014

Australian Government spending – Part 1: Historical trends from 2002–03 to 2012–13

Examines historical trends in Commonwealth Government spending over the period 2002–03 to 2012–13.

[Excel 41 KB] 10 December 2013

Presents the effect of COVID-19 and the associated policy response on the Commonwealth Government's fiscal position, using data from the Australian Government’s Monthly Financial Statements.

Publication Data download Date issued
June quarter 2021 [Excel 605 KB] 21 October 2021
March quarter 2021 [Excel 433 KB] 6 May 2021
December quarter 2020 [Excel 433 KB] 11 February 2021
September quarter 2020 [Excel 441 KB] 11 November 2020
May 2020 [Excel 440 KB] 8 July 2020
 April 2020 [Excel 439 KB] 9 June 2020
March 2020 [Excel 438 KB] 8 May 2020

If you find this data portal useful, have suggestions for improvement or additional data you would like to see in this portal, please provide your feedback to feedback@pbo.gov.au.