Restoring Regional Mental Telehealth Services (ECR149)

Restoring Regional Mental Telehealth Services (ECR149)

Medicare, mental health

Return delivery of employment services to the Commonwealth (ECR586)

Return delivery of employment services to the Commonwealth (ECR586)

unemployment benefits, public service, community participation, civil society, industrial relations, APS, administration, workplace relations

Return funding from the Great Barrier Reef Foundation (ECR103)

Return funding from the Great Barrier Reef Foundation (ECR103)

aquatic environments, water

Rights for People Seeking Refuge (ECR566)

Rights for People Seeking Refuge (ECR566)

asylum seekers, border protection, human rights, international aid, peace and security, refugees, international aid

Rivers not Dams (ECR521)

Rivers not Dams (ECR521)

natural resources, infrastructure, water, farming, public service, Murray-Darling, administration

Roll Creative Partnerships Australia into the Australia Council (ECR177)

Roll Creative Partnerships Australia into the Australia Council (ECR177)

public service, APS, administration

Rural and Regional Health (ECR182)

Rural and Regional Health (ECR182)

rural, regional, hospitals

Rural Health and Medical Training for Far North Queensland (ECR173)

Rural Health and Medical Training for Far North Queensland (ECR173)

higher education, rural, regional, Medicare, higher education, jobs, HECS, health, mental health

Rural Health and Medical Training, Far North Queensland (ECR011)

Rural Health and Medical Training, Far North Queensland (ECR011)

higher education, rural, regional, Medicare, jobs, HECS, health, commonwealth supported places