Search PBO publications
Australia's Tax Mix
The roles played by different taxes and how they have changed over time.
Dividend imputation and franking credits
This explainer provides an in-depth walk through of the dividend imputation part of the tax system, and the franking credits that underpin it.
The Contingency Reserve
Examines the definition and use of the Contingency Reserve and its major components.
Indexation & the budget – long-term impacts
This explainer discusses the impact of indexation arrangements on the budget, with a focus on analysing the long-term consequences.
How is super taxed?
This explainer explores how super is taxed in Australia, and how Australia’s system compares to similar schemes in other OECD countries.
Indexation & the budget – an introduction
This explainer discusses the rationale, use and limitations of indexation in the Commonwealth budget and associated programs.
Publicly released costings or budget analyses outside the caretaker period.
Budget Insights
Non-technical pieces focused on a particular area of the budget and short insights into fiscal policy issues and updates.
Corporate publications
Our corporate publications outline our vision, purpose, values and strategic goals.
Budget Charts
Graphical and tabular analyses which seek to illustrate key features of budget updates
Fiscal projections and sustainability
Materials on fiscal projections over the next decade and sustainability over the next 40 years.
Research reports
Research reports on government finances and fiscal issues.
Speeches and presentations
View speeches and presentations from our people.
Information papers
Explanations to our underlying data, concepts, methodologies and processes used to prepare costings of policy proposals and budget analyses.
Unlegislated measures
A list of Commonwealth Government measures for which enabling legislation has not yet passed.
Media releases
View our media releases.
View formal submissions and enquiries addressed to the PBO.
Election commitments reports
An analysis of the budget impact of the election commitments of parliamentary parties (released after each election.