Summary of proposal
Australian Greens
Policy Topic
The request sought estimated financial implications and distributional analysis of Stage 3 of the personal income tax plan as set out in the 2018-19 Budget measure Personal income tax plan and the 2019-20 Budget measure Lower taxes for hard-working Australians: Building on the Personal Income Tax Plan over the medium term. The Stage 3 tax cuts take effect from 1 July 2024 and involve:
- removing the $120,000 to $180,000 tax bracket
- increasing the top tax bracket threshold from $180,000 to $200,000
- reducing the marginal tax rate faced by the $45,000 to $200,000 tax bracket from 32.5% to 30%.
The distributional analyses sought the aggregate change in tax paid for taxpayers affected by the Stage 3 tax cuts split by:
- taxable income quintiles
- gender
- the following taxable income brackets:
- Less than $45,000
- $45,001 to $60,000
- $60,001 to $90,000
- $90,001 to $120,000
- $120,001 to $150,000
- $150,001 to $180,000
- Greater than $180,000.
- taxable income for the top percentile of taxpayers
- the proportion of income earners at the bottom of the distribution that receive the same aggregate dollar benefit as the top percentile.
30 August 2022