This proposal consists of 3 components and would start on 1 July 2023.
Component 1 – Growing the Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation sector
This component would provide funding for advancing policies and programs within the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. The quantum of funding to be provided would be based on the net savings that were achieved from the 2014-15 Budget measure Indigenous Affairs Programme – rationalisation. This amount of funding would be spread evenly over 5 years from 1 July 2023 and includes an adjustment for indexation to the consumer price index (CPI).
The amount of funding to be provided would effectively reflect what would have been provided had the above measure not been implemented.
Component 2 – Providing healing spaces for First Nations people
This component would provide all First Nations people a healing space to promote culture, community connection, gathering, cultural healing programs and other social programs.
The component would establish one healing centre in every one of the 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language groups in the country and provide a program evaluation. Staffing in each centre would be as followed:
- 1 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff at the Australian Public Service (APS) 2 level
- 8 FTE staff at the APS3 level
- 2 FTE staff at the APS4 level
- 1 FTE staff at the APS6 level.
Component 3 – Gold Cards for First Nations elders
This component would establish a Gold Card for First Nations elders that provides benefits identical to the current veteran Gold Card to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people aged 60 years and above for the duration of their life.