Section 64T of the Parliamentary Service Act enables the JCPAA to seek an independent review of the PBO after a general election. On 14 November 2016 the JCPAA announced a review to focus on how the PBO could build on its foundations and strengthen its abilities. The review was completed in March 2017.
The review found that the PBO has been a successful institutional development in Australian governance that has filled a significant gap in Australia's public policy landscape. The review confirmed the PBO is regarded by stakeholders as an independent and non-partisan organisation that produces rigorous analysis relevant to the public policy debate. It noted that demand for the PBO’s costing and budget analysis services has continued to grow at a significant rate.
Sixteen recommendations were made in relation to how we could further improve our operations and effectiveness. The PBO agrees with all recommendations. Our responses and proposed actions are reflected in this work plan.
In developing this work plan we have more broadly consulted with parliamentary committees to ensure our research topics are of interest to the Parliament and we have offered to provide briefings to committees on the outcomes of our research. We will also continue to respond to requests for assistance from parliamentary committees on issues that fall within our mandate.
Our planned work over the coming year will position the PBO well to meet the expected increase in demand for our services in the lead up to the next general election.
Download the full report above.